Selected Publications


Chen X, Zhabyeyev P, Azad AK, Wang W, Minerath RA, DesAulniers J, Grueter CE, Murray AG, Kassiri Z, Vanhaesebroeck B, Oudit GY. Endothelial and cardiomyocyte PI3Kß divergently regulate cardiac remodelling in response to ischaemic injury. Cardiovascular research, 115(8), 1343-1356. PMID: 30496354.

Minerath RA, Hall DD, Grueter CE. Targeting transcriptional machinery to inhibit enhancer-driven gene expression in heart failure. Heart failure reviews. PMID: 30972522.

Minerath RA, Dewey CM, Hall DD, Grueter CE. Regulation of cardiac transcription by thyroid hormone and Med13. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, 129, 27-38. PMID: 30769017.

Hall DD, Spitler KM, Grueter CE. Disruption of cardiac Med1 inhibits RNA polymerase II promoter occupancy and promotes chromatin remodeling. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, 316(2), H314-H325. PMID: 30461303.


Guo A, Wang Y, Chen B, Wang Y, Yuan J, Zhang L, Hall D, Wu J, Shi Y, Zhu Q, Chen C, Thiel WH, Zhan X, Weiss RM, Zhan F, Musselman CA, Pufall M, Zhu W, Au KF, Hong J, Anderson ME, Grueter CE, Song LS. E-C coupling structural protein junctophilin-2 encodes a stress-adaptive transcription regulator. Science (New York, N.Y.), 362(6421).  PMID: 30409805.


Hall DD, Ponce JM, Chen B, Spitler KM, Alexia A, Oudit GY, Song LS, Grueter CE. Ectopic expression of Cdk8 induces eccentric hypertrophy and heart failure. (See also Article Highlight | The Scientist). JCI Insight. 2017 Aug 3;2(15). pii: 92476. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.92476. PMID: 28768905

Spitler KM, Ponce JM, Oudit GY, Hall DD, Grueter CE. Cardiac Med1 deletion promotes early lethality, cardiac remodeling and transcriptional reprogramming. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2017 Feb 3:ajpheart.00728.2016. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00728.2016. PMID: 28159809


Dewey CM, Spitler KM, Ponce JM, Hall DD, Grueter CE. Cardiac-Secreted Factors as Peripheral Metabolic Regulators and Potential Disease Biomarkers. J Am Heart Assoc. 2016 May 31;5(6). PMID: 27247337


Baskin KK, Grueter CE, Kusminski CM, Holland WL, Bookout AL, Satapati S, Kong YM, Burgess SC, Malloy CR, Scherer PE, Newgard CB, Bassel-Duby R, Olson EN. MED13-dependent signaling from the heart confers leanness by enhancing metabolism in adipose tissue and liver. EMBO Mol Med. 2014 Nov 24;6(12):1610-21. PMID: 25422356

Long C, Grueter CE, Song K, Qin S, Qi X, Kong YM, Shelton JM, Richardson JA, Zhang CL, Bassel-Duby R, Olson EN. Ataxia and Purkinje cell degeneration in mice lacking the CAMTA1 transcription factor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Aug 5;111(31):11521. PMID: 25049392


Grueter CE. Mediator complex dependent regulation of cardiac development and disease. Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics. 2013 Jun;11(3):151-7. PMID: 23727265


Carrer M, Liu N, Grueter CE, Williams AH, Frisard MI, Hulver MW, Bassel-Duby R, Olson EN. Control of mitochondrial metabolism and systemic energy homeostasis by microRNAs 378 and 378*. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Sep 18;109(38):15330-5. PMID: 22949648

Grueter CE, van Rooij E, Johnson BA, DeLeon SM, Sutherland LB, Qi X, Gautron L, Elmquist JK, Bassel-Duby R, Olson EN. A cardiac microRNA governs systemic energy homeostasis by regulation of MED13. Cell. 2012 Apr 27;149(3):671-83. PMID: 22541436

Moresi V, Carrer M, Grueter CE, Rifki OF, Shelton JM, Richardson JA, Bassel-Duby R, Olson EN. Histone deacetylases 1 and 2 regulate autophagy flux and skeletal muscle homeostasis in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jan 31;109(5):1649-54. PMID: 22307625


Backs J, Stein P, Backs T, Duncan FE, Grueter CE, McAnally J, Qi X, Schultz RM, Olson EN. The gamma isoform of CaM kinase II controls mouse egg activation by regulating cell cycle resumption. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Jan 5;107(1):81-6. PMID: 19966304


Backs J, Backs T, Neef S, Kreusser MM, Lehmann LH, Patrick DM, Grueter CE, Qi X, Richardson JA, Hill JA, Katus HA, Bassel-Duby R, Maier LS, Olson EN. The delta isoform of CaM kinase II is required for pathological cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling after pressure overload. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Feb 17;106(7):2342-7. PMID: 19179290


Grueter CE, Abiria SA, Wu Y, Anderson ME, Colbran RJ. Differential regulated interactions of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II with isoforms of voltage-gated calcium channel beta subunits. Biochemistry. 2008 Feb 12;47(6):1760-7. PMID: 18205403

Khoo MS, Grueter CE, Eren M, Yang J, Zhang R, Bass MA, Lwin ST, Mendes LA, Vaughan DE, Colbran RJ, Anderson ME. Calmodulin kinase II inhibition disrupts cardiomyopathic effects of enhanced green fluorescent protein. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2008 Feb;44(2):405-10. PMID: 18048055


Grueter CE, Colbran RJ, Anderson ME. CaMKII, an emerging molecular driver for calcium homeostasis, arrhythmias, and cardiac dysfunction. J Mol Med (Berl). 2007 Jan;85(1):5-14. PMID: 17119905


Khoo MS, Li J, Singh MV, Yang Y, Kannankeril P, Wu Y, Grueter CE, Guan X, Oddis CV, Zhang R, Mendes L, Ni G, Madu EC, Yang J, Bass M, Gomez RJ, Wadzinski BE, Olson EN, Colbran RJ, Anderson ME. Death, cardiac dysfunction, and arrhythmias are increased by calmodulin kinase II in calcineurin cardiomyopathy. Circulation. 2006 Sep 26;114(13):1352-9. PMID: 16982937

Grueter CE, Abiria SA, Dzhura I, Wu Y, Ham AJ, Mohler PJ, Anderson ME, Colbran RJ. L-type Ca2+ channel facilitation mediated by phosphorylation of the beta subunit by CaMKII. Mol Cell. 2006 Sep 1;23(5):641-50. PMID: 16949361

Wu Y, Shintani A, Grueter C, Zhang R, Hou Y, Yang J, Kranias EG, Colbran RJ, Anderson ME. Suppression of dynamic Ca(2+) transient responses to pacing in ventricular myocytes from mice with genetic calmodulin kinase II inhibition. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2006 Feb;40(2):213-23. PMID: 16413575


Zhang R, Dzhura I, Grueter CE, Thiel W, Colbran RJ, Anderson ME. A dynamic alpha-beta inter-subunit agonist signaling complex is a novel feedback mechanism for regulating L-type Ca2+ channel opening. FASEB J. 2005 Sep;19(11):1573-5. PMID: 15994413

Zhang R, Khoo MS, Wu Y, Yang Y, Grueter CE, Ni G, Price EE Jr, Thiel W, Guatimosim S, Song LS, Madu EC, Shah AN, Vishnivetskaya TA, Atkinson JB, Gurevich VV, Salama G, Lederer WJ, Colbran RJ, Anderson ME. Calmodulin kinase II inhibition protects against structural heart disease. Nat Med. 2005 Apr;11(4):409-17. Epub 2005 Mar 27. PMID: 15793582


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